O God whom we praise, 

As we travel through this season of Advent celebrating the birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we are reminded of the HOPE that He brings to the world with the promise of eternal life with you Lord.   We ask that all of Your people feel JOY during this season and that those who are infirmed, sad and bewildered will receive solace from family, friends and the church.  Generous God, You gave us the precious gift of LOVE and as fellow Christians may we glorify You as we share our gifts with those who are in need and who are troubled in our church, our community and our neighbors.  And in our chaotic world, we pray for PEACE among the nations of the world. Please guide them into ways of justice and truth and establish among them that peace which is the fruit of righteousness.

God, last week, You reminded us of the importance of living a life based on Christian values as we witnessed the celebration of life for the former President of our country, George Herbert Walker Bush. We saw how people of different religions, cultures, and political beliefs came together and honored a life well-served, and we ask Lord, that You continue to carry this attitude over into the weeks, months and years to come. We pray that You give our Nation’s leaders the wisdom and strength to know your will and to do it.

For the people of this church, we pray that the Light you sent into this world will be a message shared this season with those that they love - those who live nearby and those who live far away.  Keep them safe as they travel. Let us remember our members who are suffering from poor health, who need a visit, a call, or a kind note to make their life a little more pleasant.  A smile or a hug can mend a lonely heart.

Hear our prayers, Heavenly Father, and help us to serve others according to your purpose, with HOPE, JOY, PEACE, and LOVE in all that we do.  In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.  Amen

Sally Dover and Len Reed, Elders