Once again I was driving down I-26 at 7 a.m. on a clear, bright, cold Wednesday morning viewing a beautiful red sunrise. As I was driving from Spartanburg to Columbia, I began thinking of the many blessings God has given to my family and me, which led to the following prayer:

Lord, this morning I see Your presence in this sunrise. Please allow me to see Your presence in all my actions this day-not through the flesh and way of the world, but through Your Word and Your will. I know Your Spirit is always with me since You said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)

When I invite You to be near and part of my life, I am calm and think more clearly. Like Your apostle Peter, when You called to him he was able to walk on water. Yet a short time later, when out of Your presence, he denied You three times.

Today we see dimly, but one day we will see clearly. Please remove the scales from my eyes and the eyes of all Your faithful people, and allow me to understand Your written Word, the bedrock of our faith. In Your awesome presence, let me wait with patience and serve You faithfully.

In front of me I see a broad road. Please give me courage and strength to choose the narrow road that leads to life rather than destruction. Allow me to focus on where I am today and not in my rearview mirror or the days ahead. As the storms of life approach, I ask that You shore up my foundation built on the rock of Your Son.


About the Contributor

Paul is married to Nancy and they have two daughters, Anna and Abby. He is the President of Cote Color Corporation. He has been a member of FPC for over 20 years and is currently finishing up his second term as Elder. He also serves as a Stephen Minister.