Hear, my child, your father’s instruction, and do not reject your mother’s teaching; for they are a fair garland for your head, and pendants for your neck. Proverbs 1:8-9

My mother was not a religious person. I don’t know why; I never asked her. She had an incredibly persuasive way about her. She was so opinionated (and I mean that in the very best sense of the word) that I was an adult before I realized I actually had an opinion. Until then, I honestly thought she had them all, and if I needed one, all I needed to do was ask! 

My mother was one of the most honest, selfless and caring people I have ever known. If you wanted to know the truth, she was the one to ask. If there was someone in need, she would be the first to step up. If you needed her help, she would drop whatever she was doing and help you to the very best of her ability.

My mother was an amazingly capable woman; independent, smart and beautiful. She took care of me, my younger brother, and my father for 53 years. When she died too soon last year, I wasn’t sure any of us, particularly my father, could survive without her advice, her counsel, her love. My father is still lost without the love of his life, but he looks to me now. And I have found myself filling my mother’s shoes, in some respects, and helping him achieve independence in others.

My mother taught me many things, not the least of which was how to love and be loyal. Throughout her life, she modeled the very things that Jesus taught.

No, my mother was not a religious person, but I have no doubt she was a saint.

Father God, thank you for my mother and other ordinary mothers, who love their families and teach them to love you through word and deed.

Kelley Ashcraft

About the Contributor

Kelley Ashcraft currently serves Tyger River as a Ruling Elder and Clerk of Session. She also sings in the TRPC Praise Band. Kelley teaches mathematics at Spartanburg Community College. She and husband Adam reside in Duncan and have seven children, ages 17 to 26.