Finding Peace

Dr. Thomas E. Evans

For this Sermon Series, we will be chasing the ever-elusive goal of peace. We will be looking through a Biblical lens to learn:

… how to have peace with our past, through not holding the mistakes of our youth against us and not harboring resentment for those who have done us wrong, in a word… forgiveness;
… how to have peace with the present, through accepting the blessings we do have while learning not to constantly grasp for more, in a word …contentment;
… how to have peace with the future, through a clear-eyed understanding that history is in the hands of God and that His power is sufficient, in a word… faith.

Striving for peace is a deeply Biblical endeavor. In the King James version of scripture, the word appears 429 times! The more things change the more they stay the same. Peace will always be on the top of humanity’s needs and the Bible tells us how to find it!

Join us in worship and together let us seek that “Peace that passes all understanding,” that we find in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Finding Peace: In the Bible

10:30am, September 2, 2018
Dr. Thomas E. Evans

Philippians 4:4-9


Finding Peace: In the Bible


Finding Peace...with the Past...through Forgiveness

11:00am, September 9, 2018
Dr. Thomas E. Evans

Audio problems led to the music and congregational responses not being recorded, but all the speaking is there.
Romans 5:1-5

Finding Peace...with the Past...through Forgiveness

Finding the Present...through Contentment

11:00am, September 16, 2018
Dr. Thomas E. Evans

1 Timothy 6:6-8

Finding the Present...through Contentment

Finding Peace... in the Future... through Faith

11:00am, September 23, 2018
Dr. Thomas E. Evans

John 16:31-33
Prayers of the People

Baptism of Thompson Blanton

Finding Peace... in the Future... through Faith

Baptism of Thompson Blanton